Breast MR is the most sensitive test for breast lesion detection and outperforms conventional imaging with mammography, digital breast tomosynthesis or ultrasound.1 However, the long scan time and relatively high costs limit its widespread use. That’s why a joint German-Austrian study published in European Radiology revealed some good news for women undergoing breast MR. The study reported that diffusion-weighted imaging (DWI) can be used to streamline breast MR protocols, which could translate into shorter exams. The team led by Matthias Dietzel, a radiologist from University Hospital Erlangen in Germany, found the protocol can be safely abbreviated by using DWI instead of delayed- phase enhancement.
“As DWI is typically used as an add-on to the initial phase and delayed phase, our findings have a potential clinical impact,” the group concluded. “They provide a rationale to shorten and to simplify current breast MR practice without losing diagnostic information.”

Figure 1.
(A) Overlay of MUSE DWI on T1w images, (B) MUSE DWI (b800)
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1. Leithner D, et al. Abbreviated MRI of the Breast: Does It Provide Value? J Magn Reson Imaging. 2019 Jun; 49(7): e85–e100.