GE Healthcare recently introduced the SIGNA™ Victor‡, a new 1.5T MR scanner built with powerful, efficient MR technology, including a green magnet that requires 70% less helium and reduces power consumption by more than 10%.
The SIGNA™ Victor features the SIGNA One™ intuitive, state-of-the-art imaging platform that improves efficiency for new and experienced users. It delivers automated workflow with AI solutions that maximize productivity and enable simplified setup and scanning, including AIR Touch™ technology to automatically select the best coil element combinations for each patient over the precise area of interest. For intelligent MR slice prescription, AIR x™ uses artificial intelligence-based technology to automatically prescribe the best position for the slices, helping ensure exam consistency for same-patient follow-up.
With SIGNA™ Victor, you have access to a wide range of coils, such as GE’s blanket-like AIR™ Coils, which grant you more positioning freedom and streamline workflow. It also enables AIR™ Recon DL, which uses the power of deep learning to improve MR images and reduce scan times. This innovative AI technology increases SNR, resulting in clearer and pin-sharp images.
When your system is ready for an upgrade, SIGNA™ Victor Lift will allow you to easily replace your legacy platform without having to replace the magnet. This gives you next-generation imaging capability and further maximizes your investment by providing the benefits of complete system replacement without the costs.

‡ 510(k) pending at the US FDA. Not yet CE marked. Not available for sale.