MR is an essential diagnostic and staging tool for prostate cancer. Clinical challenges include the ability to improve the definition of the hypointense halo around adenomatous nodules and enhance spatial resolution while better visualizing the capsule and extraglandular extension.
The use of deep-learning-based tools, such as AIR™ Recon DL in 2D, 3D and PROPELLER acquisitions, provide the ability to gain SNR to improve image quality and facilitate interpretation, as well as shorten scan times to enhance patient comfort.
Patient history
A 172 cm (5 ft., 6 in.) patient weighing 62 kg (137 lbs.) with a history of transurethral resection and progressive increase in PSA levels was referred for a prostate MR exam.
Prostatic hyperplasia with typical adenomatous nodules in the transitional zones and areas of prostatitis in the peripheral zones of both prostatic lobes.

Figure 1.
Patient referred for prostate MR exam. AIR™ Recon DL High, the 21-ch AIR™ MP Coil and 60-ch AIR™ PA Coil were used. (A, B) T2 FSE, 0.6 x 0.6 x 3 mm, (A) axial 3:03 min. and (B) coronal 2:39 min.; (C) sagittal T2 PROPELLER, 0.6 x 0.6 x 3 mm, 2:25 min.; and (D-F) T2 Cube, 0.7 x 0.7 x 0.4 mm, 3:42 min., shown in (D) axial, (E) coronal and (F) sagittal planes.

In this vestibular schwannoma examination, the addition of AIR™ Recon DL 3D has enabled a 50% reduction in scan time by reducing NEX from 2 to 1 on the 3D FIESTA sequence without degrading image quality.
The ability to use AIR™ Recon DL with the 3D FIESTA and 3D MP-RAGE sequences provided excellent image quality and high spatial resolution. The shorter scan time provided greater patient comfort, enabling the patient to remain still during the examination. The schwannoma was well depicted and easier to grade with AIR™ Recon DL. Also, AIR™ Recon DL does not require the use of a phased array and could therefore be used with the 1-channel head transmitter/receiver coil. The increased SNR also facilitated better visualization of the schwannoma in the internal auditory canal for more precise tumor contouring, crucial for Gamma Knife® radiosurgery treatment planning.