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More comfortable
prostate scans

Imaging the prostate is now a lot less embarrassing and more comfortable for patients. The clinicians at the Surp Pırgiç Armenian Hospital in Istanbul, Turkey, are using a new imaging process on their 3.0T SIGNA™ Pioneer system with Total Digital Imaging (TDI) that eliminates the use of the endorectal coil in MR prostate exams. The coil can be eliminated because of the scanner’s dramatically high signal-to-noise ratio results. In addition to making the exam more comfortable, the new process helps patients get in and out of the scanner faster, creating a boost in productivity.


University Hospital Quirónsalud in Madrid is pushing to new limits by using Multiparametric Magnetic Resonance (RMmp), an MR imaging technique that allows them to non-invasively study the prostate. This exam helps detect the volume of a tumor and can track the progression of its development, a key element in properly diagnosing and treating the disease.


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