Imagining what’s next in MR
As the 2020 Guest Editor, it is my honor and privilege to introduce to you the latest issue of SIGNA™ Pulse of MR. During this unprecedented time with the COVID-19 pandemic, I hope everyone in our global MR community is staying safe and healthy. As important, I want to thank our front-line healthcare heroes who are caring for coronavirus patients and remember those we’ve sadly lost to this terrible virus.

13C Hyperpolarized imaging used to study tumor metabolism

Contrast agents market set for growth

MR and radiomics used to predict breast cancer recurrence

Edison wins innovation award at Health China

Higher strength magnets push imaging limits
In Practice

Deep-learning-based MR reconstruction designed to address compromise between SNR, scan time and resolution

Cambridge experiences a breath of fresh AIR

Fifteen-minute exams are routine after upgrade at Precision Imaging Centers

AIR breathes new life into MR imaging excellence

AIR Recon: a game changer at Al Qassimi Hospital

PET/MR in the evaluation of breast cancer
Case Studies

Concurrent multiparametric MR with PET/MR for prostate cancer

DCE-MR for the detection of bony lesions

ZTE a valuable tool for osteoarticular MR

CMR for assessing coronary structure and function after myocardial infarction

Assessing damaged myocardium using a novel black blood MDE sequence
Tech Trends

Quick and reproducible liver iron concentration measurements with MR

A multi-party collaboration in the development of 3D MAGiC for multiparametric imaging

DTI guides deep brain stimulation intervention in psychiatric patients